Our health care system carries forth Christ’s healing ministry and strengthens the Catholic health care mission. Our physicians and employees follow the values established by our founding congregation, the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration
The gift of life is so valued that each person is cared for with such joy, respect, dignity, fairness, and compassion that he or she is consciously aware of being loved.
In openness and concern for the welfare of the patients, especially the aged, the poor and the disabled, the staff works with select associations and organizations to provide a continuum of care commensurate with the individual’s needs.
The witness of Franciscan presence throughout the institution encompasses, but is not limited to, joyful availability, compassionate, respectful care, and dynamic stewardship in the service of the Church.
Christian stewardship is evidenced by just and fair allocation of human, spiritual, physical, and financial resources in a manner respectful of the individual, responsive to the needs of society, and consistent with Church teachings.
Loyalty to and pride in the health care facility are exemplified by members of the health care family through their joy and respect in empathetically ministering to patients, visitors, and co-workers.